Firstly... We are glad to see everyone is getting used to our new software and enjoying it compared to the previous one. We are extremely thankful for everyone’s patience and cooperation during this transition. Remember, if you are need of assistance regarding your pet portal, curb side,
bookings, etc… Our team would LOVE to help!
SPRING BREAK! We are excited to be partying with your pups this Spring Break! Rest assured, your pup may be having more fun than you are! Rain or shine, we have plenty of fun activities and enrichment for our amazing guest this month. Stay tuned through our Social Media outlets (Instagram or Facebook). Remember, feel free to text us for a picture of your pup enjoying their break too!! Check us out of Instagram @happy_snoutz OR Facebook @HappySnoutzPetResort for all things puppy fun!
This Month’s Lucky Deals! We will be offering 10% off all services for pets who come in wearing any bit of GREEN on MARCH 17th! Let your pup participate to take advantage of this lucky deal!
March Referals This month we are excited to refer Canine Initiative Training. They apply a huge emphasis on your pet’s psychology in order to efficiently communicate with your dog! This is extremely important when it comes to appropriately training your pet. They focus on how WE, the pet-parents, can create a bond with our pet in order to set them up for success in the future. If your pet needs help with leash reactivity, recall, social cues, or other characteristics you seek to understand and address, give them a call! Phone: 832 856 7500 Email: Website: You can also find some cards and brochures in our lobby!
Lastly... We want to give our thanks for your time in reading this News Letter. This is our first time offering this and are excited to continue to do so. We hope to provide interesting information, articles, deals, and local referrals every month! So if there are any tips, something you’d like to read, or if there are services you offer that you’d like for us to talk about, please reach out to us! We appreciate and love you all so much and are so blessed to be a part of this amazing pet-loving community. THANK YOU! - The Happy Snoutz Team